1. Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants Review: Die Vorteile der Wandkunst bei der Gestaltung des Interieu

    Wenn Sie ein Haus entwerfen, schließen einige Leute nicht Wandkunst ein, da für Sie, es nichts zu einem Raum Raum tut. Aber in Wirklichkeit bringt es Vorteile, wenn Sie richtig ausgeführt werden. Mit seiner professionellen Kunst-Know-how, Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants wird durch die folgenden die Vorteile der mit einer Wand Kunst in Ihrem Hause und wahrscheinlich nach dem Lesen der ganzen Post, andere könnten Ihre Meinung über diese spezifische Art Stück zu ändern. Wenn Sie die richtigen Methoden verwendet und getan richtigen Überlegungen können Sie Ihren aktuellen Raum mit der Wand Kunst Anzug und es wäre, dass zusätzliche Harmonie zu Ihrem Haus zu geben.

    Farb Palette

    Die erste auf der Liste ist, dass Wandkunst eine Grundlage zur Farbenpalette Ihrer Innenarchitektur sein kann. Es ist einfacher, eine Wand Kunst, die Sie wirklich lieben, als die Wahl aus der langen Liste der möglichen guten Farbpaletten zu wählen. Aber wie kann eine Wandkunst die Dinge einfacher machen bei der Bestimmung der Farbpalette Ihres Raumes? Einfach, können Sie mindestens zwei oder drei Farbtöne von diesem Kunststück wählen und die dominierende Farbe zusammen mit anderen Tönen vorwählen, die Sie als Akzente zuweisen möchten.

    Auf diese Weise ist es einfacher, Elemente für diesen bestimmten Raum auszuwählen, da Sie bereits ein Farbschema im Hinterkopf haben. Aber wenn Sie über die richtigen Farben zu verwenden verwirrt sind, können Sie einige mobile Anwendungen als Leitfaden verwenden, um die entsprechenden Schattierungen von Farbe auf eine bestimmte Farbpalette zu identifizieren. Um einen Experten-Ansatz bei der Gestaltung Ihres Interieurs mit der Farbpalette Ihrer Wahl haben, dann in Kontakt mit einem Kunst-Berater wie die Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants zu erhalten.

    Zentraler Punkt

    Wandkunst kann Ihnen den Vorteil des Seins der zentrale Punkt zu einem Raum Raum auch geben. Erstmalige Besucher werden auf jeden Fall darauf hinweisen, etwas, das Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf den ersten zieht, und einen guten und positiven Eindruck zu haben, kann eine Wand Kunst sein, dass Design-Element und der Chief-of-Design in diesem Raum Raum. Bei der Wahl dieser Art Stück, Bedenken Sie, dass seine Größe spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der zu einem wirksamen Schwerpunkt. Meiden Sie zu kleine oder zu große Kunstwerke, weil eine unausgewogene Erscheinung keine positive Reaktion auf die Menschen bringt. Beachten Sie die richtigen Messungen und denken Sie daran, die richtigen Methoden zu befolgen, um ein Kunstwerk zu hängen.



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    Last Post by hanieseng il 25 Nov. 2017
  2. Careconnect Health Insurance Group Review: The Hottest Health Drink

    You probably don’t need another reason to pour yourself a cup or three of coffee today—if you’re a fan, you probably already figure that coffee’s something you just don’t want to live without. Still, maybe you’ve wondered if your daily habit is really okay for your health. In that case, we’ve got some good news. “Coffee has a lot of health benefits that people don’t think about,” says Debra Epstein, RD, chief clinical dietitian at Glen Cove Hospital. “Not only is it naturally low in calories -- as long as you don’t add too much to it, that is -- but it’s also a huge source of antioxidants.”

    To be clear, the research isn’t the final answer on the question, since most studies have simply compared coffee-drinkers to people who don’t indulge in the stuff -- and that means it’s always possible that other habits are really responsible for coffee’s apparent benefits. (Other studies have been done in mice or other animals, so the results are tantalizing but not definitive.) Still, recent research suggests that drinking coffee regularly may play a role in:

    Diabetes prevention. One review of studies concluded that people who drink three to four cups a day may be 25 percent less likely to develop the disease.

    Heart health. Drinking three to five cups a day might cut a person’s risk of dying from heart disease by as much as 21 percent, a team of scientists concluded after analyzing 21 studies.

    Safeguarding your liver. Another review of studies indicated that drinking coffee can lower a person’s risk of developing liver cirrhosis, a potentially fatal condition that can be caused by heavy alcohol use, obesity or hepatitis.

    Extending your life. Last year, the American Heart Association published -- what else? – a review of three large, long-running studies that had followed more than 200,000 people for as long as 30 years (and counting). The review found that the people who regularly drank moderate amounts of coffee -- less than 5 cups a day -- were less likely to have died during the course of the study from heart problems, neurological disease, diabetes or suicide.

    But there’s a catch. Coffee itself is healthy, Epstein says, but the stuff you put in it? Not necessarily. “An ounce of milk -- preferably low fat milk -- and a teaspoon of sugar is fine,” she says. “But when you start adding huge amounts of cream and sugars and syrups, it can get bad fast.” Case in point: Just check the nutrition stats of your favorite coffee-shop concoction.

    Even if you take it black, going overboard isn’t a good idea. Epstein recommends up to four cups a day -- that’s 8- to 10-ounce cups, not 24-ounce Ventis -- but don’t drink that much if it makes you...

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    Last Post by hanieseng il 2 Feb. 2017
  3. Online Security: How to use Virtual Payment Address for financial transactions

    Transacting using VPA
    A virtual payment address (VPA) is an identifier that can be uniquely mapped to an individual account. Unified Payment Interface (UPI) services offer customers the option to create any number of VPAs for making and receiving payments. UPI enables all bank account holders to instantaneously transfer funds across different banks using mobile phones. The service is available 24X7 and is expected to make e-commerce transactions easier, and facilitate micropayments and person-to-person payments.

    Create a VPA
    Download the UPI mobile application and create a VPA of your choice. The VPA will act as your financial address. There is no need to remember beneficiary account number, IFSC codes or net banking ID and password for making transactions through UPI.

    Link bank accounts
    Once the user has created a VPA, he can link his bank account to this VPA by generating and using an MPIN for this account. It is possible to link more than one account to a VPA.

    Transferring money
    After the VPA has been linked with a bank account, payment can be made using the ‘Pay with VPA’ option. To pay any person using the VPA, enter the beneficiary’s VPA, amount and remarks and then authorise the transaction to start the fund transfer.

    Receiving money
    You can also receive money from a third party using VPA. You have to enter the details of the transaction such as the VPA of the person you would like to collect from, amount and remarks and submit the transaction to initiate collect payment. The third party will have to authenticate the transaction for it to be executed.

    Tracking transaction status
    As soon as a transaction is carried out using VPA, it is important to check its status under the transaction history.

    Points to note
    1.You only need the VPA of the beneficiary or the remitter and not any other bank or IFSC details to initiate a transaction.

    2.Currently, the per-transaction cap is Rs.1 lakh and this may change from time to time and is subject to UPI guidelines.

    3.Currently, there are no charges for transactions done through UPI.
    Last Post by hanieseng il 9 Jan. 2017
  4. Coalition Against Insurance Fraud: Limiting Medicare billing may weed out cheaters

    Home-health and medical transport companies in crosshairs

    What to make of the federal government extending its moratorium on allowing new medical providers to bill Medicare and Medicaid in six states?

    Does CMS still need to get a handle on pre-screening providers before allowing them to bill?

    Or is fraud is so rampant in those areas that CMS must weed out existing bad actors before allowing new providers to enter?

    Probably both.

    Shutting down enrollment is a drastic move that can hurt honest providers. It also can limit patient access to needed care. But it’s a necessary step for the federal government to effectively manage fraud in its programs.

    The areas affected by the extension include home-healthcare and medical transport — two that are rife with fraud.

    Congress gave CMS the power to shut down enrollments a few years ago, but CMS hesitated at first. Nudged by Congress, CMS started restricting enrollments in limited areas where fraud was most out of control.

    The enrollments seem to be a qualified success, but it will take a few years to fully know if provider fraud has started moving downward.

    In the meantime, CMS is taking a smart approach to using its power to restrict enrollments. Moratoria are targeted. The latest extensions, for example, impose home-health enrollment limits in Florida on just three of the worst counties. Plus, CMS now allows exceptions to the moratoria if providers pass heightened screening.

    Taking action before crooked providers can bill is the best answer to the old “pay-and-chase” model. It should also deter many would-be cheaters, especially organized fraud rings looking to soak federal programs.

    About the author: Dennis Jay is executive director of the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud.
    Last Post by hanieseng il 7 Nov. 2016